Dyno 2

Brand and Asset Design

Mission: Design visuals and storytelling brand , color story, logo design, web site and simple training material all focused on kids tech. I created all of the visual, color swatches, vector graphics, photographic selecting/composition, Web design with parallax.
Result: Coolpad obtained US Cellular as a client.

Dyno 2

Brand and Asset Design

Design visuals and storytelling brand , color story, logo design, web site and simple training material all focused on kids tech. I created all of the visual, color swatches, vector graphics, photographic selecting/composition, Web design with parallax.

Result: Obtained US Cellular as a client.

Color Pallet and Themes

Due to the Smartwatch having 2 different themes night (Dark) day (Light) I created two different sets of visuals and swatches to match the product watch bands. one for Day and one for Dusk, sunset.
These are used in the signage, package design and in the main web product page.

Icon creation

Icons created for each key feature.


I selected and composed each of the photographic elements of the product lifestyle photography for the Dyno 2. 
Below are the main shots showing the key features.

Package Design

Package design showing features along with the 2 themes. Focus on staying connected, Dyno 2 theme.

DYNO 2 Web Design

I created the web product page for the Dyno 2, the idea was to keep the user scrolling, so I implemented some scroll based animations and a parallax window with the logo by separating the main jungle theme background into many layers, afterward gave them different scroll speeds to give the 3 dimensional look. Afterward used scroll based animations subtly moving other elements within the page.